Re: [Nolug] Cox Networking-off topic

From: Chris Johnston <>
Date: Wed, 19 Jul 2006 19:18:28 -0500
Message-ID: <>

Once I rebooted the modem it worked great. Thanks for all the help.


On 7/19/06, Jeremy (mailing list box) <> wrote:
> Chris Johnston wrote:
> > I just got Cox internet today and I'm having difficulty installing my
> > Linksys WRT54G router. My connection works fine connected directly to
> > the modem. I also notice that Cox charges an additional fee for
> > networking. Why is this and is there a way around it?
> >
> > Chris
> >
> Chris,
> Cox charges extra for the home networking feature because they offer
> hardware and support. IIRC, they will send you everything you need to
> network your home and will come out and set it all up for you. This is
> the only type of networked setup they will support as well. If you
> call with your own network setup, they will ask you to disconnect your
> router and plug your PC directly into the cable modem.
> The way around that charge is to setup your own network.
> As for the problems you are having with your WRT54G... You need to have
> the WAN interface setup for DHCP so that it will work with Cox. As
> well, when you swap between your PC and the router, you MUST reboot the
> cable modem. Cox sets up the modems to only allow ONE MAC address on
> the ethernet interface. So, when you connect a new device, the cable
> modem won't see it because the MAC address doesn't match the one its
> learned, so by rebooting it, you are forcing the cable modem to learn
> the MAC address of the new device.
> HTH.
> Jeremy
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> Nolug mailing list

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Received on 07/19/06

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