[Nolug] Fwd: User Group Member: Ready to Review an Apress book?

From: Joey Kelly <joey_at_joeykelly.net>
Date: Fri, 4 Aug 2006 18:42:13 -0500
Message-Id: <200608041842.21362.joey@joeykelly.net>


If you want to read either of these books and write a non-trivial review of
it, send me an email.


---------- Forwarded Message ----------

Subject: User Group Member: Ready to Review an Apress book?
Date: Friday 04 August 2006 17:52
From: Janet Crosbie <janet@apress.com>
To: joey@joeykelly.net

Apress Seeks New Reviewers!

Apress is actively seeking fresh voices to write about our books. As a
 publisher, we rely on independent writers and reviewers to speak forcefully
 and honestly about our products to the larger technology book-buying

Please take a moment to read the review-writing guidelines we've posted:
 http://www.apress.com/userGroups/writeareview.html. In general, we like to
 see reviews posted to Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and/or Bookpool--to name a
 few places. Which of these titles would you like to review immediately?


"Beginning PHP and MySQL 5: From Novice to Professional, Second Edition"
by W. Jason Gilmore | ISBN: 1-59059-552-1

.Pro MySQL.
By Michael Kruckenberg and Jay Pipes | ISBN: 1-59059-505-X


Please reply to me at janet@apress.com, if you or another group member would
 be interested in posting a prompt, thorough review on either of these books.

Thank you in advance!


Joey Kelly
< Minister of the Gospel | Linux Consultant >
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Received on 08/04/06

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