Hey Dustin,
I tried to reach you today, but I guess you were out.
We mentioned catching up with each other in a week, so I wanted to drop you
a line. Also, I have been approached about a C# project for another company
and need to give them an answer about my availability. So, if you could let
me know where you guys are with your c++ project, I would very much
appreciate it.
>From: "Dustin Puryear" <dustin@puryear-it.com>
>Reply-To: nolug@nolug.org
>To: nolug@nolug.org
>Subject: [Nolug] Job opening..
>Date: Tue, 15 Aug 2006 12:05:31 -0500
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>I have a client that is looking for someone with management skills and
>that has a Windows (AD) and Linux background. You need to have several
>years under your belt. This is a Sr. Sysadmin position and pay is
>commensurate with experience and skillset.
>You must list within 30 minutes of Baton Rouge. I know this is going
>to NOLUG, but you may know someone that is closer to Baton Rouge.
>Email me off-list if interested.
>Feel free to pass this email to others.
>Puryear Information Technology, LLC
>Baton Rouge, LA * 225-706-8414
> "Best Practices for Managing Linux and UNIX Servers"
> "Spam Fighting and Email Security in the 21st Century"
>Download your free copies:
> http://www.puryear-it.com/publications.htm
>Nolug mailing list
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