On Tuesday 09 January 2007 18:04, you wrote:
> > booting their slackware 11 install CD's.... I was given what appears to
> > be an answer to the puzzle on alt.os.linux.slackware usenet group...
> > but since I can't post to the nolug list, now I'm not gonna to tell you
> > what it is. nah nee nah nah---so there.
> Heh.
> Anyhow, I see your attempt. It's telling me that you're not registered
> with that email address:
> Date: Mon, 8 Jan 2007 13:04:17 -0600 (CST)
> From: owner-nolug@redfishnetworks.com
> To: nolug-approval@redfishnetworks.com
> Subject: BOUNCE nolug@covington.redfishnetworks.com: Non-member
> submission from [Lawrence Toal <let02do@cox.net>]
> covington:/etc/mail/lists # grep cox nolug
> See? You're not there. But wait, I think I just added you manually. You
> wanna try again?
Ok, I wonder if #grep earthlink nolug would have found me? I switched to
Cox in Feb. '06 . Thank you Joey Kelly for manually adding me. And of
course I'll tell the story...
Several posters at this link on linuxquestions.org presented what looks like
a pretty puzzle..
I post there as "letitgo" and the thread starter found it "creepy" that
his freshly burned Slackware boot CD would not boot in his Dell 4100,
but would boot in other computers, while other distro's boot CD's
nevertheless boot just fine in his 4100...humm
The puzzle goes like this:
If it's a boot chain problem, other CD's shouldn't boot.
If it's a bad CD, it shouldn't boot in other computers.
Since it's not a bad CD or a bad boot chain, why doesn't the CD boot?
Wanna play? Come up with a solution before you read the last few
posts at that link. My, my, I do like Slackware. Anyone else on the
list running slack?
But most of all I'm glad got to find out what
$ strings /dev/cdrom | grep mkisofs | head -1
does with the first Slackware install CD mounted.
Nolug mailing list
Received on 01/09/07
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