[Nolug] DenyHosts

From: Katrina Niolet <kniolet_at_ildiinc.com>
Date: Fri, 13 Apr 2007 18:26:32 -0500
Message-Id: <200704131826.33093.kniolet@ildiinc.com>

Hi, I had mentioned DenyHosts while we were at CC's and everyone seemed
interested so I thought I would post some info to the mailing list.

(there are also packages now included in many distros and it is in portage for
those Gentoo users out there)

(below is pasted from their site)
What is DenyHosts?
 DenyHosts is a script intended to be run by Linux system administrators to
help thwart SSH server attacks (also known as dictionary based attacks and
brute force attacks).
 If you've ever looked at your ssh log (/var/log/secure on
Redhat, /var/log/auth.log on Mandrake, etc...) you may be alarmed to see how
many hackers attempted to gain access to your server. Hopefully, none of them
were successful (but then again, how would you know?). Wouldn't it be better
to automatically prevent that attacker from continuing to gain entry into
your system?
 DenyHosts attempts to address the above... and more.
 DenyHosts was the Unix Review: Tool of the Month for August 2005

Since the release of DenyHosts 2.0 (late January) DenyHosts has thwarted over
205,000 hack attempts (39,000 unique) from over 150 countries.

Katrina Niolet
Nolug mailing list
Received on 04/13/07

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