[Nolug] Bash backup script help

From: Chris Jones <techmaster_at_gmail.com>
Date: Fri, 22 Jun 2007 16:48:46 -0500
Message-ID: <945e1c690706221448p1fdc5ff4s413abcf30aba6260@mail.gmail.com>

Guys, I'm trying to write a bash script to do a nightly back up of a server
to an external hard drive. I've pretty much got most of it functioning, and
here is pretty much the line that does the actual work:

echo tar -czf $BACKUPTO/backup-$TODAY.tgz $BACKUPFROM

backupto is where it backs up to, today is a yymmdd formatted date, and
backupfrom is the directory TO back up.

I've got it set up to then delete any files over 2 weeks old...but I might
change that time span once I determine just how much space is

The functionality I'm wanting to add to it, is after the TAR/GZIP operation,
I want it to know if the tar command completed successfully or with errors.
If there were errors, then skip the deletion process. The skipping part is
easy, but I guess the main thing I'm wondering is how do I test whether the
tar command ran successfully? I remember in DOS, after you run a command,
you can test it with "IF ERRORLEVEL=0" and if that returns true then you
know the command completed successfully. What's the unix equivalent?

Nolug mailing list
Received on 06/22/07

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