[Nolug] Controlling another linux server's daemons?

From: Chris Jones <techmaster_at_gmail.com>
Date: Fri, 29 Jun 2007 10:20:28 -0500
Message-ID: <945e1c690706290820h49a39fe4u50ba7f623f1ed09d@mail.gmail.com>

Does anybody know a simple way to have one server control another server's
daemons, from within a bash script? I would like to be able to have one
server run a script in cron, that shuts down a remote server's daemon, then
backs it up locally over NFS, then starts that server's daemon back up. The
primary concept of a backup is to duplicate data to a different spindle, so
if you have twin servers, you can essentially back them up to each other.
If anybody knows a way that would be a huge help to me. Thanks!

Nolug mailing list
Received on 06/29/07

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