This is nice. I have an embedded shell on my desktop...but this looks a
lot sweeter since it is with compiz. Thought I'd share!
Sent to you by coastie via Google Reader: Linux Tip: Embed a Terminal
in the Desktop with Compiz Fusion via Lifehacker by Kyle Pott on Aug
28, 2007
Linux users: You can configure Compiz Fusion to embed a terminal in the
desktop. The last time we covered this process you needed to install
Devilspie and create a configuration file. With Compiz Fusion the
process is much simpler and the end result looks much more streamlined.
The Ubuntu Unleashed weblog details the entire process. You need to
create a terminal profile that will only be used when it is embedded
into the desktop. Then just configure Compiz Fusion and you'll be all
set. Howto: Completely Transparent Shell on your Ubuntu desktop with
Compiz Fusion [Ubuntu Unleashed]
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