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My Testimony
Probably sloth is my biggest fault. However, a portion of my testimony can be found on this page: TheHolySpiritAndHisWork
That said, I have been thinking of putting down a biographical sketch of my life as a Christian. Since I am a minister, I want my life to be somewhat of an open book. I think it's important for congregations to understand where their minister is coming from, who he's studied behind, how God deals with him, etc. After all, Jesus said that many false christs, prophets and apostles would arise in these last days. I am honored to serve as an evangelist on my radio program and in other venues, and hope that in detailing what God has done in my life over the years, people will find reason to trust that the word I preach is backed up by life I've lived. Perhaps some of the lessons I've learned, mistakes I've made and insights I've gleaned can benefit others.
This biographical project is by necessity a work in progress. Here is what I've got so far: