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Vinton Cerf
I had the pleasure of hearing Dr. Vinton Cerf give a talk at LSU on September 30, 2003. Below are the notes I took. He was rushing through part of his talk, so I missed stuff here and there. Hopefully this will be of interest to someone. Also I think his outline is on the web somewhere.
Internet Past and Future
LSU, 9/30/2003
Introduced by LSU Chancellor:
co-designer of TCP/IP
MCI engineer
Internet Society
- magazine spreads, him and wife, friendly cometition about it
- wife has cochlear implant, previously unable to hear — after 30 years of marriage, she finally had a conversation with Vint after operation
Internet history
New Aphorism:
power corrupts
powerpoint corrupts absolutely
- www.isoc.org/internet/history
- arpanet — 1969
- packet switching
- 50kbps
military command and control
- packet radio (mid 70s): collision network
- Hawaii — 2 channel, half-duplex, sat, multiple ground stations (the ALOHA system)
packet speech 30 years ago
packet video — late 70s
global statistics
- 1997 — 22.5M hosts (I missed the number of users)
- 2003 — 171M hosts 605M
- europe has more users than US, far east catching up fast
- layering of protocols
- IP is neck of hourglass (lower and upper layers support diverseness)
- US regulations ill-suited for Inet
- radio, TV, telephone, etc..... regs for each one
- IP doesn't care what goes over it
major technological issues
- reliabiliy/availability
- security
- broadband
- (access, symmetry, not competitive)
- GRID (virtualization of everything)
- problems similar to beowulf clusters: number crunching vs. communication latencies
- privacy
- authentication
- data integrity
- IPv6 implementationinternet-enabled appliances (java invented for this. Vint didn't mention this, but did refer to net-enabled refrigerators later)
- security for all these devices
- IP telephones
- SIP — NAPTR: X digits to IP phones
- net fridges: emailing you that you need to buy milk, etc.
- histories of daily-use things (wine corks, etc).
- missing sock problem
IP address consumption
- he takes blame for 32 bits in 70s
- NAT interferes with security (??? — possibly IPsec auth-type issues?)
- nano engines, none smaller than 46 molecules, will have enough IPv6 space for them (???? — I missed this part)
policy discussion topics
- flat-rate business models
- IP
- ICANN (I missed it)
- flat-rate
- Inet is fixed-proce
- SIP telephony is taking us there
- MCI's Neighborhood and Advantage services are insensitive of underlying technology
- issues: cost and pricing compatible?
regulating telecoms
- advocates opening IP broadband to all ISPs, like phone service
- people
- services & products sold
- no sales taxes (what about use taxes? this idea again (he didn't raise it of course) )
- censorship
- technologically flawed model
security and privacy
- tension between goals
future look
- deep space network madrid, australia, california
- radio-isotope power supplies
- store&forward network, major lag
- Mars: 1mbps transmitting back ()
- InterPlaNet
- next mission cantake advantage of previous mission, existing relays, etc.
- 40 minute lags at times, uncertainties of transimssion, TCP/IP can't work here
- disconnect protocols, like email
- Interplanetary Planet Protocol (I missed this, verify this, I think it's ICP or something...)
- sending bundles of information
- by 2012, have 2-planet internet
- mci.com/cerfsup
- livinginetnet.com
- ipnig.org
- iiso.org/internet
Chancellor: will have other speakers later
- capital vs revenue,
- only invest in things that you understand, both company and tehnology
multicasting, why failed?
- streaming audion/video used instead; sufficient bandwidth
- others techs, restructured
- he's against it, naurally :-)
- abuse of anonymitiy, terrorism
- accountability from govt, tech fighting back for anonymous communication
- can't stop technology
mars probe power supplies
USN used fission power supplies for 40 years
optical switching, backbone networks
- regions of fast & slow switching
- differnt colors of light… switch off that (cool!)
- optical packet switching (photons)
- loop a burst, gate off a small portion, decide where it will go, then let burst out of loop