Re:[2] [Nolug] Exporting a session with IRIX

From: bad-magic-number <>
Date: Tue, 9 Apr 2002 00:05:05 -0500
Message-ID: <MWMail.jmqaelja@host.none>

On the date of 4/8/2002 11:11:01 PM , Peter Kahle <>
>On Mon, Apr 08, 2002 at 11:08:43AM +0000, Joey Kelly wrote:
>> I haven't done this yet (but I want to), but AFAIK, one of the
>> selling points of X is that you can transport your desktop to
>> another machine. Now, how to do this securely?
> ssh -X remotemachine xterm
> will give you an SSH connection to the remote box, and will start a
> remote xterm on it that will display on your current machine. I think
> the -f flag tells it to fork to the background once you've
> authenticated.

Could one use

X -query <x-server-hostname> ?

This similar to the method used by X terminals on startup.


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Received on 04/11/02

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