Re: [Nolug] FW: [brlug-general]Free Books!

From: Joey Kelly <>
Date: Tue, 23 Apr 2002 21:37:28 +0000
Message-Id: <02042321372802.17895@rahab>

Hash: SHA1

Well, Scott forwards the newsletter from O'Reilly each month to the list.
I've asked Scott to request 2 titles from them, and I suppose he has done so.
I think that they kind of fell behind on getting books out to LUGs (that was
mentioned in one of the newsletters a month or so ago). At any rate, we never
got our free books.

I'm all for free stuff, and am more than happy to do a review now and then.

Ok, you are hereby volunteered to spearhead the effort. Please contact each
of the publishers that BRLUG mentioned (except for O'Reilly) and ask them
nicely if they have a program for LUGs. Make sure they have our URL, etc..
Put me, you, and Scott down as contact people. Also mention that if they ever
have a rep in the area, they are more than welcome to give a presentation
(long or short) at nolug.

Kepp us posted.

- --Joey

Thou spake:
>As far as I can tell we don't such a program in our LUG and I would be
>interested in setting one up. Do we have such a library? If not, would
>anyone be interested in helping set one up?
>-----Original Message-----
>From: [] On Behalf
>Of Dustin Puryear
>Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2002 8:25 PM
>Subject: [brlug-general]Free Books!
>Good subject line, I know.
>As many of you aware, we are members of several LUG programs from
>publishers, such as O'Reilly, New Riders, and Addison-Wesley. We used to
>just grab books, but that policy has stopped. Some of the publishers
>like to see more LUG reviews of the free books they send, and I don't
>anything wrong with that.
>So, I invite anyone to scan various titles from the publishers and
>if there is anything they want. We can typically order one book per
>publisher every month or so. Not a bad deal. However, if you choose a
>then I will ask that you review the title within one month of receipt.
>is very fair, and will help ensure the LUG programs continue.
>And don't forget, the books stay in the LUG library! :)
>Don't forget to take a look at our existing selection, which is actually
>pretty nice:
>Regards, Dustin
>Dustin Puryear <>
>UNIX and Network Consultant
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- --

Joey Kelly
< Minister of the Gospel | Computer Networking Consultant >

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