Re: [Nolug] PHP help

From: Petri Laihonen <>
Date: Thu, 17 Apr 2008 18:47:33 -0500
Message-ID: <>

I use PHP's own logging functions. Mostly error_log().
You can make it to log into specified file as well, not only to
webserver logs...

For templating I recommend smarty.

Other stuff, I don't know as I have not needed any. However, there are
built in functions for LDAP. (


Dustin Puryear wrote:
> Hey guys- We are looking at building a tool in PHP and we need some
> suggestions for the following modules/classes:
> Logging. We need to be able to do general logging (e.g., debug
> logging, info logging). I've used log4php before (as well as log4perl
> and log4j), and it works well. Other suggestions?
> Audit Logging. We COULD use log4php I suppose. Other ideas?
> Access Rights. We need to manage access to a given page and elements
> within that page. We'll be doing this using LDAP groups. Best method?
> Is there an existing module out there to do this? We could do this
> using php-ldap ourselves, but I'm hoping there is already a wrapper
> for this that provides a more generic interface. Nothing as
> complicated as using SiteMinder or anything of course. :)
> Templating. We will be using a templating system to separate code from
> the presentation. What have you used? Thoughts?
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Received on 04/17/08

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