Re: [Nolug] PHP help

From: Jess Planck <>
Date: Fri, 18 Apr 2008 14:14:14 -0500
Message-Id: <>

Excellent cut and dry explanation! I wish there was a better short
sentence for it than "don't mix code and data."

Nice diagram and some good references for the PHP help topic.


On Apr 18, 2008, at 12:49 PM, Christopher M. Jones wrote:

> It is bad practice to mix the data access, domain, and presentation
> layers of an application. MVC. Superficially, this means we don't want
> to have SQL queries in a template file, and we don't want HTML mixed
> in
> with code to calculate e.g., category rankings. What you want is
> separate layers to 1. Get the data and pass it into the domain, 2.
> Transform the data and pass it to the presentation, and 3. Present the
> data. (The data itself is inert-- it's just what the layers are
> shuttling around).

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Received on 04/18/08

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