Re: If they're unreliable as heck... (was Re: [Nolug] someone's gotanaxe to grind...)

Date: Tue, 5 Aug 2008 16:23:03 +0000

Exactly, they complain enough if their icons move around or their wallpaper changes.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

-----Original Message-----
From: "Jeremy (mailing list box)" <>

Date: Tue, 05 Aug 2008 11:19:39
To: <>
Subject: Re: If they're unreliable as heck... (was Re: [Nolug] someone's gotan
 axe to grind...)

Dustin Puryear wrote:
> Yes he did. And I'm thinking he may have meant WordPerfect (WP).
> I think his thoughts are that you can replace TS with Pine and
> WordPerfect and people are good to go.. ;)

I'm pretty sure his intention is to try and get a rise out of the group.
    The idea that you replace applications like Outlook and Word in a TS
environment with Wordperfect and Pine is way out there. Seriously, as
much trouble users are for us admins, you don't make their lives harder
unless absolutely necessary if you value your sanity.

Nolug mailing list
Received on 08/05/08

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