Mark A. Hershberger wrote:
> It is for this reason that it is hard to take your argument seriously.
> It seems like you're saying:
> The GPL is wrong because the creator of GPLed software is putting
> restrictions on other programmers. Those restrictions keep the
> programmers from putting their own restrictions on the software.
> I guess the confusing thing to me is that you seem to be mandating that
> if I share my software, I have to share it without restrictions. But if
> I want to put any restrictions on my software, then you think I
> shouldn't share it at all.
> Is that a fair summary of what you are saying?
No. I'm saying that you can share you software with whatever
restrictions you want, on your code only. However, you have no right
to dictate to other programmers the rights and restrictions on the code
they write. That is the problem with the GPL - is extends the rights
of the original programmer to code that he has no right to control.
Your rights and control end at your original code. Modifications and
patches are the product of someone else's labor and effort, ergo you
have no right to dictate any rights, requirements or responsibility on
code that is not yours, ever.
It is that simple. If you aren't understanding those facts, I don't
know how else to make it clear.
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Received on 12/13/08
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