Hi Jeremy.
> Your rights and control end at your original code. Modifications and
> patches are the product of someone else's labor and effort, ergo you
> have no right to dictate any rights, requirements or responsibility on
> code that is not yours, ever.
Sorry, but no. Copyrights cover modified versions of works, also. You can't
change one note in a song and claim that you control the new version.
Your modifications and patches do not stand alone. They only exist as
extensions to the original work. Thus the original author's copyright controls
the result of any changes you make. Indeed, his copyright allows him to forbid
you to make any changes if he should so choose.
Nobody but you has anything to say about any original work of yours. But they
have all the say when you modify their original work.
John Souvestre - Integrated Data Systems - (504) 355-0609
Nolug mailing list
Received on 12/13/08
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