Re: [Nolug] Hacker Space HOWTO

From: Simon Dorfman <>
Date: Wed, 21 Jan 2009 12:18:07 -0600
Message-ID: <>

Mischa, thanks for posting about the hacker space idea to this list. I
planned to mention it here once the idea progressed a little further. I
originally posted the idea to the 2600 forum here:

An aside, related to Mischa's "redacted" comment: I know Joey is skeptical
about 2600 meetings because he thinks the FBI is going to raid it or
something. I've been going to 5+ years and have met all kinds of
interesting people and learned many worthwhile things, so I encourage y'all
to come to a 2600 meeting sometime. And no, the fbi has never raided it.

The New Orleans Hacker Space idea is gaining momentum. As that how-to PDF
suggests, find a partner to get it started with, then find two more, try to
get a core group of 10 people. I found a partner to get it started with: David
Robinson <>. David teaches "New Media" (basically,
art with computers) at Tulane and also organizes the
NOMMUG<>(New Orleans Multi-Media User Group), which
is how I first met him.

We have a lead on a potential space at the Colton
They have studio space for artists. Part of their deal with getting free
space is that you have to teach an education programs for youth. Teaching
kids how to make cool stuff with computers would be a lot of fun, I think.

It's great to see so many interested folks on this list. We need to get a
core group together to make it happen. If you want to get involved, drop me
a separate email ( and I'll add you to a mailing list
(which I'll set up soon).

Does anyone have any experience setting up a 501c3 non-profit?


On Wed, Jan 21, 2009 at 11:31 AM, Dennis J Harrison Jr <> wrote:

> I can put in 60 a month easy for something like this. And I have a
> spare drill press and 60 gallon compressor for toying around with as
> well.
> How would you guys feel about some sort of short term
> hackerspace-alike apprentice program for some of the more interested
> youngsters as well?
> Something with a schedule and a structure?
> On Wed, Jan 21, 2009 at 11:16 AM, Jeremy (mailing list box)
> <> wrote:
> > Joey Kelly wrote:
> >>
> >> Simple math... 20 people chipping in $30 per month would give us $600,
> >> which is a realistic minimum once you figure in utilities and bandwidth,
> >> unless we get stupid and rent something in a scary part of town.
> >>
> >> Can we find 20 suckers^Wfriendly LUG members willing to help support a
> >> club house?
> >
> > After the ~$200-$250/month for utilities, considering this would be a
> power
> > hungry operation, that doesn't leave a lot for rent. Assuming you can
> keep
> > the utilities under $200, you only have $400 for rent.
> >
> > I took a quick on Craigslist for spaces and I found mostly office spaces
> > that are under 200sq ft in that range. I saw one that was 500sq ft but
> it
> > was in Chalmette.
> >
> > J
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> > Nolug mailing list
> >
> >
> ___________________
> Nolug mailing list

Simon Dorfman
Art Director/Owner
YamLike Design
phone: 504-261-6561
toll-free: 866-YAM-LIKE (866-926-5453)
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Nolug mailing list
Received on 01/21/09

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