Right, there are tools to help with scaling. Gmail has millions of
users :) You wouldn't want that headache, lol.
I'm curious. How rfc compliant is your mail server and what is the
basic anatomy of your setup?
On Sat, May 16, 2009 at 5:11 PM, Mark A. Hershberger <mah@everybody.org> wrote:
> Ron Johnson <ron.l.johnson@cox.net> writes:
>> On 2009-05-15 21:42, Dennis J Harrison Jr wrote:
>>> Google knows their poop. I do agree that you should have a backup.
>>> But you unless you're running your own email server as a full time
>>> job, you're not going to do as well as the gmail team (and even then
>>> it's highly debatable). Now, the scary thing is if/when they change
>> Is it really *that* difficult to run an email server like exim or
>> postfix? Once you configure it properly, they just *work*.
> As someone who runs my own mail server (for myself and others), I keep
> an eye on Gmail's downtime and spam filtering. Perception bias plays a
> part, I'm sure, but they don't seem that much more reliable than what I
> can do.
> Not orders-of-magnitude more reliable, anyway.
> Can I scale up the way they have? Not right now. But there are tools
> to help with that.
> Mark.
> --
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