SDK ::
The sdk is a total mess, the documentation is in shambles (past the
hello world tut). If you like Eclipse, then things are a bit better
when it comes to keeping the directory structure in line with little
effort. You are pretty much chained to the mojo/prototype frameworks
if you want to see any docs at all (those are piss poor enough as it
is, for mojo anyway... prototype isn't so bad with this.) Dealing
with certificates for cloud services model is just - INSANE right now.
Because of the level at which you talk to the hardware, applications
like emulators, vnc/rdp/ica, and of course DRI is totally (well...
performance wise) impossible. If you use the dev tools available from
Palm. Homebrew is another matter... but that is unsupported, and not
upgrade safe for sure.
I think most of these issues will be worked out, the sloppy SDK
packaging will be fixed very quickly I'm sure. The documentation is
supposedly the main focus right now. Lower level access to the
hardware and package signing / certificate management, are things Palm
admits to needing improvement on, and the lists/chats/forums are
active with people focusing on these problems right now. Here's to
hoping the community doesn't lose interest before some of the bigger
gotchas are whipped into shape.
On the upside, if you want to write an app like 90% of iphone apps out
there (simple and focused data push/pull / 2d games), this is a BREEZE
once you get the sdk and novacom driver all nestled in to your dev
This thing is freaking awesome.
I'll be posting a tutorial on writing a google voice / freeswitch /
asterisk app for this as I complete that task next week. Anyone else
here doing mobile dev? What is your favorite hand held device?
Nolug mailing list
Received on 07/24/09
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