Re: [Nolug] searching for download confirmation

From: Petri Laihonen <>
Date: Sat, 10 Apr 2010 14:22:57 -0500
Message-ID: <>

On Sat, Apr 10, 2010 at 1:40 PM, Joey Kelly <> wrote:

> On Sat April 10 2010 1:15 pm, Petri Laihonen wrote:
> > This is the latest thing I've been trying to search for the past week.
> > So far I'm inclined to the conclusion such thing can not be done.
> >
> > What I'm trying to find, is a method of detecting whether or not the
> > download of a file was successfully completed.
> I was under the impression (mind you, I have read no documentation on this
> at
> all, I've only observed it), but if your apache log shows the file as
> downloaded, then it was probably downloaded successfully. If, say, the
> download is canceled, nothing is written to the access log.

That was one of the approaches I considered, however it does not work.
All interrupted downloads resulted OK 200 statuses with correct file sizes.
(with exeption)

Additionally with one of my phones, event the file size apache indicated
serving, was exactly the same with completed and incompleted download. (This
could be wap GW downloading the content before sending it to the phone) - - [10/Apr/2010:12:17:28 -0500] "GET /serve.php/88k3/Amazin
HTTP/1.1" 200 504754 "-" "SAMSUNG-SGH-T519/T519UVFG8 - - [10/Apr/2010:12:19:15 -0500] "GET /serve.php/88k3/Amazin
HTTP/1.1" 200 504754 "-" "SAMSUNG-SGH-T519/T519UVFG8

Though with another phone, there seems to be different file sizes with 2
attempts as you can see from below. I do not know why the incorrect size in
the second attempt. I know I did not initiate it since the first one failed
immediately at the beginning, and apparently the phone or GW tried to
inititate it again. (Same wap GW as with previous one) - - [10/Apr/2010:12:42:55 -0500] "GET /serve.php/m6pf/Amazin
HTTP/1.1" 200 764949 "-" "MOT-V3/0E.42... - - [10/Apr/2010:12:42:56 -0500] "GET /serve.php/m6pfAmazin
HTTP/1.1" 200 737280 "-" "MOT-V3/0E.42....


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