Re: Grumpy Old Man says... (was Re: [Nolug] E- Readers)

From: Ron Johnson <>
Date: Sat, 10 Apr 2010 14:27:51 -0500
Message-ID: <>

Then you're completely missing the point regarding how we *became*
Linux (more or less) Experts: first make your *own* effort, *then*
if you fail (and failure is not denigrated!) go to a list.

On 2010-04-10 13:29, Michael Jeter wrote:
> I am sorry that I have offended you sir. I did not wish anyone to
> Google anything. I thought perhaps it would be common knowledge among
> Linux professionals.
> Sorry if you think I am a leech. Just a non - Linux professional who
> continues to try to publicize Linux as a legitimate OS for academic
> purposes.
> Again, sorry to offend you.
> On 4/10/10, Ron Johnson <> wrote:
>> Pietu found the answer with a modicum of Googling. Why didn't you?
>> (Mentioning that you googled for "foo bar snaggle" but didn't find
>> anything relevant [which happens to me on a regular basis] would
>> make you look less like a lame leach.)
>> On 2010-04-10 12:48, Michael Jeter wrote:
>>> Actually, as I am doing a paper on E-Readers, and I know about the
>>> major players - kindle, iPad, Nook, and I see downloads of e-reader
>>> software from Barnes & Noble and Amazon for Windows and Mac machines,
>>> I wanted to know about all versions of e - readers and to include a
>>> mention of Linux in my work.
>>> Thanks for your help.
>>> On 4/10/10, Chris Jones <> wrote:
>>>> Then it wouldn't be a device, it would be software. You're wanting the
>>>> linux equivalent to adobe reader.
>>>> On Apr 10, 2010 7:09 AM, "Michael Jeter" <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>> What I mean is an e-reader, a device for downloading and reading
>>>> books, that runs off of linux, perhaps a reader that I could d/l to my
>>>> computer.
>>>> Thanks for your response.
>>>> On 4/9/10, <> wrote:
>>>>> Do you mean an e-reader for...
>>>>> On Apr 9, 2010 4:46 PM, Michael Jeter
>>>>> &lt;<>
>>>> &gt;
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Does anyone know of, has anyone heard of E - Readers such as Kindle for
>>>>> Linux?

Dissent is patriotic, remember?
Nolug mailing list
Received on 04/10/10

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