Re: [Nolug] E- Readers

From: Mark A. Hershberger <>
Date: Sat, 10 Apr 2010 16:48:44 -0400
Message-ID: <>

Michael Jeter <> writes:

> Actually, as I am doing a paper on E-Readers, and I know about the
> major players - kindle, iPad, Nook, and I see downloads of e-reader
> software from Barnes & Noble and Amazon for Windows and Mac machines,
> I wanted to know about all versions of e - readers and to include a
> mention of Linux in my work.

Unless B&N or Amazon decided to support Linux, you're really not going
to find “E-Readers” that support reading books from or B&N on
a Linux system.

This is because the difference between an E-Reader and a PDF reader is
DRM. Since DRM is based on secret encryption, only developers at B&N or
Amazon could produce software to support it.

Unless, of course, someone breaks their encryption protocols like they
did for DVDs.


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because of those who look on and do nothing.
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Received on 04/10/10

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