[Nolug] Streaming video server

From: Dave Prentice <prentice_at_instruction.com>
Date: Sat, 17 Apr 2010 16:10:11 -0500
Message-ID: <4BCA23B3.5040702@instruction.com>

Joey (or any interested party),
    A while back I installed CentOS 5.4 at your suggestion to run my
little web server. It works great, thanks.
    Lately, I have gotten some rather large videos (400 meg or larger)
that I would like to stream. The most compact file format seems to be
wmv. The user can click on them to download and then play them, but I am
unsure if I could do anything on the server side so that they could be
able to start playing them immediately (streaming) instead of waiting
for the download to complete.

    First question: is there a smaller commonly used format than wmv?
    Second question: do I need to change or install something on the
server side to allow streaming?
Thanks! - Dave P.
Nolug mailing list
Received on 04/17/10

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