How often do you find your mandriva "breaking"?
I mean, after some updates, suddenly something does not work as it should...
Then some day, things get back together again..... or sometimes not.
Latest one I had was audio disappearing for a week or so. Audio came back
this past Sunday.
Anyone else have similar experiences with other distros?
On Tue, Apr 20, 2010 at 7:53 PM, Ben Bullard <> wrote:
> Hello.
> After joining this list some months ago and noting with some humor it's
> recent explosion of activity thought it time to say hello. By diversity I
> mean that I'm not an IT person or student. I'm a printing pressman of some
> years who uses/prefers Linux rather than the magical wonders of Redmond.
> That being said I don't give a crap what anyone else uses. I do give a crap
> that users have a choice. I grew up in Mississippi [Jackson] of parents both
> of whom were born in Mississippi [many generations, DAR, SAR and so forth].
> Lived most of my life in Denver area but moved back here in Jan. '09 because
> this is where, or close to where, my family lives. Couple of years of
> college but most training and education is through family, work, continuing
> education, and on the job or resources provided by the job. Oh, yes, and
> most importantly UOHK.
> FWIW one brother in Miss. is a died in the wool Ubuntu user. Other brother
> here in NOLA is openSuSE/Windows XP user. I'm Fedora, and Mandriva user but
> do have openSuSE partitions currently as well. Started LInux with Fedora
> Core 3. Tried Ubuntu and Kubuntu [and a ton of others at one time] but just
> prefer Fedora and/or Mandriva. Most every one else in the family doesn't
> know or care that there is anything other than Windows or Apple. Dear Old
> Dad had a very original Macintosh and other Apple boxes as time went by. Did
> Graphic Design on Apples till blindness and old age caught up to him.
> Bet Y'all can't wait to see what stupid questions a stinking Printing
> Pressman can ask on a list like this...
> --
> Thanks,
> Ben Bullard
Nolug mailing list
Received on 04/21/10
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