[Nolug] OT: iPhone App Development Study Group Starting Memorial Day evening

From: Simon Dorfman <simon_at_yamlike.com>
Date: Fri, 28 May 2010 13:58:35 -0500
Message-ID: <AANLkTinHrjGtFkcY4eFGlF6wHMZBusPvxuarKWJgLeH3@mail.gmail.com>

Hey y'all,

Sorry for the off-topic post. I'm trying to spread the word about this.
Please forward to interested parties.

How would you like to learn iPhone App Development this summer? Me too.
> That’s why I decided to organize a group to watch the video lectures from
> the Stanford class<http://www.stanford.edu/class/cs193p/cgi-bin/drupal/downloads-2010-winter>together. We can work thru the assignments together. Learn together, get to
> know each other, figure things out, etc. It’s going to be awesome. Here are
> the details...



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Received on 05/28/10

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