I accepted defeat in top-posting... Re: [Nolug] I have a lot to contribute to the world.

From: Ron Johnson <ron.l.johnson_at_cox.net>
Date: Thu, 26 Aug 2010 02:22:05 -0500
Message-ID: <4C76161D.6020508@cox.net>

On 08/24/2010 01:53 PM, Ben Bullard wrote:
> Ok, thanks. That's helping me get over the mental block and get started
> playing around. I've also used Scroogle to come up with these:

but I'll never give up against html mail.

You must remember, Ben, that in the Unix world there's a large
minority of people who still use text MUAs, and to them your fancy
email is line noise.

Seek truth from facts.
Nolug mailing list
Received on 08/26/10

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