On 8/26/2010 10:12 PM, Lee S. Whatley wrote:
> On Aug 26, 2010, at 10:01 PM, Ron Johnson wrote:
>> I'm complaining because I'm (kinda) old and grumpy and tripling the
>> size of an email for no valid reason is stupid and I'm pissed because
>> I lost the top-posting fight.
> Heh, fair enough. If it makes you feel any better I've been fighting at
> work with upper-level management who see no reason why they shouldn't be
> able to send around emails with multi-Gigabyte attachments. It's a fight
> I have no chance of winning.
Your company too... It can be won. We managed to win the fight by
putting it in dollars and cents terms. Once we made it clear that is
was going to cost many thousands of additional dollars per year in SAN
equipment (and once a hardware limit was hit, many, many thousands in
all new SAN infrastructure), they gave up. They realized it was cheaper
to use the public share on the server and send a link to the file; and
if they needed to send it to an external recipient, it was still cheaper
to send a couple of disks over-night.
Nolug mailing list
Received on 08/28/10
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