[Nolug] Re: Need a little help, server side :)

From: Curtis \ <kman922002_at_gmail.com>
Date: Wed, 22 Sep 2010 09:19:29 -0500
Message-ID: <AANLkTikvjBXhcxi-barFTYHfbFYAQanxaXtO8Dhc9vzF@mail.gmail.com>

Kind sir, I'd highly advise quitting your horrible attempt at flaming,
trolling, or being an ass. Whichever suits your fancy. This is the
internet, with the added fact of locality. In other words, I will not
hesitate to punch you in the face. If you've got nothing positive to
contribute, consider stuffing your face with packaging peanuts.

As for the rest of the input, I'm more than likely going to use a
combination of forced proxy, being squid, and opendns until I find a
better solution. Also, the reason it is required to run on one machine
is because that machine could be anywhere, and the primary residence
is a hotel room.

Curious, anyone got a link to that guy who used iptables to flip
images upside down?

On 9/22/10, Charles Paul <charles.paul@gmail.com> wrote:
> You enjoy "bashing" around your user's home directories as root and
> snooping in their browsing history, and you don't know how to install
> dansguardian?
> That by itself is fishy. What makes it delightfully lame is that you
> are also asking the internet to help you cripple your own laptop.
> Fail.
> Besides, 4chan is full of win:
> http://www.theregister.co.uk/2010/09/22/4chan_spikes_tea_party/
> On Tue, Sep 21, 2010 at 7:37 PM, Curtis "cSc" Smith
> <kman922002@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Well, earlier today, I got bored and decided "Hey, i'm going to bash as
>> root
>> and snoop through other user's Firefox history". After browsing all my
>> user's histories on my laptop, its come to the point that I seriously need
>> to setup a web filter on this laptop, which brings me to the question: How
>> might I deal with these pesky users and redirect them to something more
>> meaningful than porn and 4chan without using more than one pc?
>> --
>> - cSc
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> Nolug mailing list
> nolug@nolug.org

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- cSc
Nolug mailing list
Received on 09/22/10

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