Re: [Nolug] Ubuntu

From: Petri Laihonen <>
Date: Sat, 2 Oct 2010 09:36:26 -0500
Message-ID: <>

I think out of the major 3 bunch, OS X is the most difficult to use. A
friend of mine wanted samba in his mac and installing it turned into a
dependency hell. Nothing user friendly there. Next thing was to attempt via
package manager. No luck there either. (Or I did not find the good ones)

As for sshd apache etc goodies in Winblows Server. There is absolutely no
need for cygwin in windows. Most all Linux CLI tools can be found for
Winblows too. There is free windows sshd, apache, mysql, php and I've been
running them all in my only winblows server for years. Additionally one just
installs "unix tools", and then grep, wget, less, vi, etc. are available as

Hopefully soon our new SMPP client is finished and I can dump the winblows.
Until then, I still have to use it.

As for linux distros, some of the latest ones I have tried, there were some
disappointments, and positive surprises.
My all time favorite Mepis. Latest version was a quite disappointment in
terms of NO calc, unless downgraded to v2.4, which fails due
to the dependency issues. (Their USB stick version came with latest calc)

Then I decided to try Linux Mint Debian edition. So far it has been quite
pleasant surprise. It is the first Gnome desktop I found decent to use. It
also makes my 7-8 yr. old laptop appear quite snappy. There is some learning
curve to get my daily tasks humming, but I'm getting there.

Now, I just need to find the decent PHP IDE with GIT support. Or at least
decent graphical GIT. I know, graphical interface has pretty much the same
learning curve as the CLI interface, but I try to reduce the amount of
different apps. needed for simple development tasks.


On Fri, Oct 1, 2010 at 7:10 PM, Jess Planck <> wrote:

> I can testify to that. M1-A1 tank gunnery target systems work exactly like
> the old 80's Star Wars arcade (I had that Orson Scott Card - Ender feeling),
> and they drove like a go-cart (I got one to 67 mph downhill at Ft. Knox
> without busting a track). It's the loader that has the hard job although
> everything is well located like the knee switch for the door (I think my
> time was under 15 sec with 105m shell).
> Unfortunately my Ubuntu experience is lacking, but I may be converting a
> WinXP machine I use for training since it seems to be suffering from Windows
> rot and I rather install Ubuntu than try to fix it. I only need a Firefox
> browser (kiosk mode FTW)
> :P
> Jess
> On Oct 1, 2010, at 6:42 PM, Ron Johnson wrote:
> > I'd say that Ubuntu is an M-1 Abrams, since driving the design of that
> MBT were crew safety and ease of use (besides, of course, the raison d'etre
> of killing other tanks).
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