Re: [Nolug] Low power, compact linux box

From: Techmaster <>
Date: Tue, 26 Oct 2010 17:07:49 -0500
Message-ID: <>

Honestly, the average person would have no clue that they are on a low
power PC, and that's with it running Windows. Put something lighter
like Ubuntu on it, and I bet they would be pretty impressive. These
days, half of our clients are still using Pentium 4 PCs from 8 years
ago, and I assure you, a $200 net-top is faster than one of those.
The only downside to them is that they come with a consumer version of
Windows, so in a typical business environment, you have to account for
replacing the OS. They're definitely a huge step up from a thin
client. To me, the biggest drawback to a netbook is the screen, and
with a net-top you can use a full sized monitor, so that becomes less
of a problem.

On Tue, Oct 26, 2010 at 4:42 PM, Joey Kelly <> wrote:
> On Tue October 26 2010 2:19 pm, Techmaster wrote:
>> We were playing with an Acer nettop at work, those things are pretty
>> cool, and they're like $200.
> Realistically, how usable are they for desktop usage?
> --
> Joey Kelly
> Minister of the Gospel and Linux Consultant
> 504-239-6550
> ___________________
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Received on 10/26/10

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