lol geocities. I found out I had one still up...then they shut it down :(
On Wed, Dec 15, 2010 at 9:55 PM, Jay C. Theriot <>wrote:
> Text-decoration: blink-fb
> Jay C. Theriot
> On Dec 15, 2010 9:34 PM, "Jimmy Hess" <> wrote:
> On Wed, Dec 15, 2010 at 7:45 PM,
> <> wrote:
> > The blink tag was never in vogue.
> > -- Sent from my Palm Pre
> I beg to differ a bit... arguably on Geocities... the blink tag was en
> vogue there, most of GeoCities' lifetime,
> BLINK was popular enough to get its own CSS attribute text-decoration:
> blink;
> Well into 2009; i'm not sure if it was because GeoCities was
> populated by the Coalition for the promotion of BLINK tag use, or if
> it just hosted many personal sites that had long been abandoned and
> never been updated since 1996.
> If you browsed the Geocities directories, more sites had blinking text
> AND 10+ animated GIFs than not.
> At some point BLINK got displaced by popup ads, interstitial ads,
> "mouse over this bit of text and get surprised by an ad", and "get a
> sudden prompt to answer a survey about your experience visiting this
> website for 30 seconds", full motion embedded video (Youtube embeds),
> and Flash and Javascript animations however.
> For 2010 the "I Like this" button, "Post this to my wall" button,
> "Join this site's FB group", and "Follow this site's Tweets" seem
> to be the latest things in vogue, on the web at large; hopefully it
> does not become popular to start animating those buttons.
> --
> -JH
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