Re: [Nolug] Pro bono website work or website advice

From: Jay C. Theriot <>
Date: Wed, 15 Dec 2010 21:55:14 -0600
Message-ID: <>

Text-decoration: blink-fb

Jay C. Theriot

On Dec 15, 2010 9:34 PM, "Jimmy Hess" <> wrote:

On Wed, Dec 15, 2010 at 7:45 PM,

<> wrote:

> The blink tag was never in vogue.
> -- Sent from my Palm Pre
I beg to differ a bit... arguably on Geocities... the blink tag was en
vogue there, most of GeoCities' lifetime,
BLINK was popular enough to get its own CSS attribute text-decoration:

Well into 2009; i'm not sure if it was because GeoCities was
populated by the Coalition for the promotion of BLINK tag use, or if
it just hosted many personal sites that had long been abandoned and
never been updated since 1996.
If you browsed the Geocities directories, more sites had blinking text
AND 10+ animated GIFs than not.

At some point BLINK got displaced by popup ads, interstitial ads,
"mouse over this bit of text and get surprised by an ad", and "get a
sudden prompt to answer a survey about your experience visiting this
website for 30 seconds", full motion embedded video (Youtube embeds),
and Flash and Javascript animations however.

For 2010 the "I Like this" button, "Post this to my wall" button,
"Join this site's FB group", and "Follow this site's Tweets" seem
to be the latest things in vogue, on the web at large; hopefully it
does not become popular to start animating those buttons.

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