Re: [Nolug] Someone just called my home-office phone number...

From: Ron Johnson <>
Date: Thu, 03 Mar 2011 22:52:42 -0600
Message-ID: <>

Prepare to go hungry!

On 03/03/2011 10:49 PM, Alex Levy wrote:
> I would almost try this on someone myself just to see how much information
> they would give away and what they would do.
> Lets just say if I can get anyone to do anything with a microwave oven, I
> might quit my day job. lol
> On Thu, Mar 3, 2011 at 6:54 PM, Dustin Hinton<> wrote:
>> Lol.. Umm yeah.. I'm sure Microsoft paid you to be proactively offensive by
>> calling every individual computer owner that is spreading a virus.. Funny
>> thing is.. They will totally fool lots of stupid people..
>> Thank you,
>> Dustin Hinton
>> On Mar 3, 2011, at 6:36 PM, Ron Johnson<> wrote:
>>> claiming to be from Microsoft technical support, saying that my PC is
>> spreading viruses. Wanted me to go to a website and install some software
>> so that he (dare I mention that he had a strong Indian accent and there were
>> background noises indicating that he was in a call center) could "show me
>> the viruses".
>>> I humored him for a bit, then told him he was full of sh*t then hung up.

I prefer banana-flavored energy bars made from tofu.
Nolug mailing list
Received on 03/03/11

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