On 4/10/2011 8:33 PM, Jimmy Hess wrote:
> IMO, I see no problems with people making job postings. But you
> better be prepared for people, who are all entitled to their opinion, to
> reveal their opinion about the content of the posting, and make fair
> criticisms based on their perceptions about the kind/quality of
> what is actually offered, etc.
And there is the great fallacy of the internet. Every opinion must be
If you aren't interested in a position and all you are going to do it
whine and complain about it, that provides neither useful information or
cogent discussion. Much rather, such prattling merely raises the noise
floor on the internet.
There was a time when people knew what was worth saying and what really
didn't need to be shared. Like I said the other day, now that we've
become a Facebook, Twitter, Myspace world, the default mode is share and
share everything.
To be fair, I'm not trying to deride anyone specifically. It is merely
an observation that the we seem to be getting to a point where thanks to
the internet, people now talk to hear themselves talk. Seriously, for
proof of this, look at most Facebook or Twitter feeds. Hell, just
listen to Charlie Sheen.
>> No sane person ever wrote editorials to the newspaper complaining about the
>> jobs in the classified section.
> See... this isn't a newspaper.
Jimmy, the intent of the analogy was not to compare this list to the
newspapers. The point is that no sane person would write a letter to
the editor about the contents of the classified job section because it
is not productive. It wouldn't affect change, just like complaining
about a reposted job listing isn't going to get the hiring company's
attention. First, because I'm just the messenger and, secondly,
because most employers don't care. For every person complaining about
not liking some aspect of job X, there is at least one person who is
fine with those terms. As long as the job gets filled, the employers
aren't going to care or change.
You don't want to move someplace for a job because people there can't
eat ice cream on Sunday? Ok, great. Well, I like turtles!*
And after the complaining, nothing changes... The job is still in
Timbuktu. Or is a 1099 gig... Or requires you to be able to do skill
Z but you can't because you don't like Vendor C.
Jousting with windmills...
Sorry, but trying to help people on the list and getting only complaints
is a strong motivator to quit giving up my time for something that is
seemingly unappreciated.
Nolug mailing list
Received on 04/10/11
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