On 4/10/2011 10:42 PM, Clint Billedeaux wrote:
> I apologize. I should have indicated that I was grateful to see your
> posting instead of criticizing the manner in which the potential
> Contractor planned to abuse a subcontractor.
> You're absolutely right. I should be able to tell someone to sit still
> cause I might have something for you and if you're not going to be 100%
> at my beck and call, then to heckola with you.
> Now I not only appreciate your effort to make us aware of such wonderful
> offers, I also appreciate the level to which you believe everyone should
> aspire to find themselves, whether gainfully or not, tied up in some
> company's closet until they need you.
> Seriously,
> Appreciate it.
I NEVER presume to know everyone situation's, nor do I EVER proclaim to
know what jobs are and are not right for the people on this list with
the exception of filtering out OBVIOUS scams. I merely passed them
along with the intention of helping folks looking. The majority of the
folks on this list are adults and capable of determining individually
and privately for themselves what jobs to take without self-aggrandizing
lectures. Most of us did just fine judging for ourselves what jobs
worked or didn't work for us before you graced our presences with your
There may be people out there for whom this position may have worked out
fine and there are obviously folks, such as yourself, for whom it
wouldn't have worked. Fact is, those other folks for whom it would
not work are mature enough to pass on it without having a tantrum like a
five year old in the Wal-Mart toy aisle.
Not all jobs are the right fit for YOU. Life isn't fair. Grow up and
deal with it already.
Nolug mailing list
Received on 04/11/11
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