Re: [Nolug] Qimo question

From: Petri Laihonen <>
Date: Thu, 14 Apr 2011 00:23:07 -0500
Message-ID: <>

My son is now a bit over 3.
He has not been using the computer a lot since the one I set up specifically
for him sort of died. Can be repaired though.

He has been discovering features from tux paint, I did not even know
existed. He intentionally opens the new file, selects the custom canvas and
start painting with various tools. He also likes some of the games which
come with gCompris.

And yes. He is still pure. No exposure to Winblows. He does not understand
his login yet though, but every time I try to get him to remember his own
login password. :-)


On Wed, Apr 13, 2011 at 7:28 AM, Clint Billedeaux <>wrote:

> On Tue, Apr 12, 2011 at 10:40 PM, Ron Johnson <>wrote:
>> Couldn't you install the iso to a thumb drive using the same procedures
>> that you'd use to install an Ubuntu iso to a thub drive?
>> Yeah. After reading their site twice, I realized if I can do trials from
> a CD, I could do it with a thumb drive.
>> Slightly changing topics: are your children that young? My kids
>> effectively used Linux at 5-6 years old after a bit of mouse training.
>> My daughter is going to be 4 in June and she's been using the computer for
> the last year quite well. I'm just wondering what's out there that might
> make her feel a little more like it's her system.
>> You could probably get the same effect by customizing the GNOME Panels
>> their account to be in some sort of kiosk mode with only a few available
>> programs. (And it would have the side benefit of starting them young on the
>> concepts of "my account" and "secret password". (Obviously, theirs were
>> Very Short. "dog" and "cat" were, I think, their first passwords.
>> But you're right, I could probably just customize her account. Isn't it
> funny how your kids take 5 minutes to learn how to do stuff that your
> parents can't remember for more than 5 minutes?
> I was just thinking of using Qimo as a shortcut to having to do all of
> that, and with a thumb drive installation, she could take it with her and
> use it wherever she goes. I mean there's computers everywhere these days,
> and I think she's ready for the idea that you can restart a computer and
> select the USB drive to boot from.
>> On 04/12/2011 12:36 PM, Clint Billedeaux wrote:
>>> Does Qimo have the option like Ubuntu to try it out from a flash drive?
>>> I'm
>>> thinking I might like to setup a thumb drive so my kid could use Qimo
>>> anywhere she goes.
>> --
>> "Neither the wisest constitution nor the wisest laws will secure
>> the liberty and happiness of a people whose manners are universally
>> corrupt."
>> Samuel Adams, essay in The Public Advertiser, 1749
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