blah blah blah...
New Orleans has history, I'll grant that. But really? Really? You can't
even call for a freebie on the politics, the gangs, the random shootings,
and the poor educational outlook because even if you get that mulligan you
still have backwards thinking business leaders here. Systemic, endemic
squalor from top to bottom. Outside businesses don't stay outside just
because there's violence, no talent pool, and bad can't even
conduct local business with anyone who isn't trying to scrape some cheese
off the cracker for themselves.
I'm in the New Orleans area because I'm stuck and with just enough sense to
know I prefer Linux for my file sharing. Being able to convince my boss to
use Linux instead of Windows XP Pro to share files was just luck on my part
because even though XP Pro wouldn't allow more than 10 people to connect and
pull down our files, people were content with 20% of their day spent idle.
I'm trying to squeeze my way into our website development now because
sending email to India and waiting 24 hours for a response is annoying
regardless of how much money it saves. When they break our order entry
system and then clock out for the day, it's 72 hours before we're back to
reasonably handling our order order system.
Nolug mailing list
Received on 06/04/11
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