Re: [Nolug] Re: for Sale

From: Clint Billedeaux <>
Date: Wed, 8 Jun 2011 11:15:22 -0500
Message-ID: <>

Sorry B,

I wasn't trying to criticize you missing the place. Hell, missing it is
understandable. Music, food, enough culture to turn the moon into cheese.
 I won't get a new job because my boss is forward thinking enough to work
with me on developing his businesses and my talents. In about three to five
years though I might reconsider the idea. Depends on what's left to do here
and whether there's a bigger salary elsewhere.

2011? No kidding? What's changed? HA!


On Wed, Jun 8, 2011 at 9:47 AM, B. Estrade <> wrote:

> On Sat, Jun 04, 2011 at 03:55:21PM -0500, Clint Billedeaux wrote:
> > blah blah blah...
> >
> > New Orleans has history, I'll grant that. But really? Really? You
> can't
> > even call for a freebie on the politics, the gangs, the random shootings,
> > and the poor educational outlook because even if you get that mulligan
> you
> > still have backwards thinking business leaders here. Systemic, endemic
> > squalor from top to bottom. Outside businesses don't stay outside just
> > because there's violence, no talent pool, and bad can't
> even
> > conduct local business with anyone who isn't trying to scrape some cheese
> > off the cracker for themselves.
> >
> Like I said, NOLA is a town that is not supposed to be. Yet it is. And
> it certainly has it's share of talent, they just don't stick around -
> hence a massive "brain drain" problem that *is* endemic in NOLA and
> Louisiana in general (from top to bottom:). I am not making excuses
> for why you think it sucks. I am telling you why I love and miss New
> Orleans. It has nothing to do with tech or politics. I don't live in
> NOLA because of opportunity, remember?
> > I'm in the New Orleans area because I'm stuck and with just enough sense
> to
> > know I prefer Linux for my file sharing. Being able to convince my boss
> to
> > use Linux instead of Windows XP Pro to share files was just luck on my
> part
> > because even though XP Pro wouldn't allow more than 10 people to connect
> and
> > pull down our files, people were content with 20% of their day spent
> idle.
> > I'm trying to squeeze my way into our website development now because
> > sending email to India and waiting 24 hours for a response is annoying
> > regardless of how much money it saves. When they break our order entry
> > system and then clock out for the day, it's 72 hours before we're back to
> > reasonably handling our order order system.
> Sounds lik you need to do yourself a favor and get a new job. As we
> recently saw, simply knowing Linux is not good enough anymore. It's
> 2011, not 2001.
> Brett
> --
> B. Estrade <>
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