[Nolug] Fwd: Newsletter: Wrox Ebooks, Free Book Samplers, Tim O'Reilly on Facebook's Face Recognition Strategy, and much more

From: Joey Kelly <joey_at_joeykelly.net>
Date: Sat, 25 Jun 2011 08:56:31 -0500
Message-Id: <201106250856.31891.joey@joeykelly.net>

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Subject: Newsletter: Wrox Ebooks, Free Book Samplers, Tim O'Reilly on
Facebook's Face Recognition Strategy, and much more
Date: Fri June 24 2011 2:06 pm
From: "O'Reilly Media" <oreilly@post.oreilly.com>
To: joey@joeykelly.net

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*** O'Reilly News & Commentary ***

Facebook's face recognition strategy may be just the ticket
Face recognition is here to stay.
By Tim O'Reilly
Tim O'Reilly says Facebook's face recognition may provide a great strategy
 for cutting the Gordian Knot on this thorny privacy problem. Read more:

Checking in on HTML5 video
YouTube's Greg Schechter on HTML5's place in the video world.
By Jenn Webb
HTML5 video still needs work, but YouTube's Greg Schechter says it's heading
 in a good direction. In this interview, Schechter explains how HTML5 video
 introduces new needs and new opportunities. Read more:

3 ideas you should steal from HubSpot
HubSpot has found the sweet spot between data, education and customer
 loyalty. By Pete Warden
HubSpot's location (near Boston) and its target market (small businesses) may
 keep it under the radar of Silicon Valley, but the company's approach to
 data products and customer empowerment are worthy of attention. Read more:

Why a JavaScript hater thinks everyone needs to learn JavaScript in the next
 year JavaScript is now a necessity.
By Mike Loukides
JavaScript is everywhere: servers, rich web client libraries, HTML5,
 databases, even JavaScript-based languages. If you've avoided JavaScript,
 this is the year to learn it. And if you don't, you risk being left behind.
 Read more:

The secrets of Node's success
Why Node.js has caught on while other server-side JavaScript implementations
 faltered. By Troy Topnik
What is it about Node.js that makes it interesting to developers? The key
 factors are performance, timing, and focusing on a real problem that wasn't
 easily solved with other server-side dynamic languages. Read more:

The ascendance of App Inventor
David Wolber on why Google App Inventor isn't just for novices.
By Howard Wen
Google's App Inventor has transformed from a simple entry point for Android
 programming into an increasingly robust app creation platform. In this
 interview, "App Inventor" co-author David Wolber discusses the tool's
 evolution and future applications.
Read more:


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Velocity 2011 Playlist

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 2011 Web companies, big and small, face the same challenges. Our pages must
 be fast, our infrastructure must scale up (and down) efficiently, and our
 sites and services must be reliable. The expo is now a wrap, but you can
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Joey Kelly
Minister of the Gospel and Linux Consultant
Nolug mailing list
Received on 06/25/11

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