[Nolug] Ruby on Rails

From: Dustin Puryear <dpuryear_at_puryear-it.com>
Date: Thu, 30 Jun 2011 14:37:04 -0700
Message-ID: <45BDAE5DEAF5EE4198E765267BBC8EB90991584CDA@VA3DIAXVS781.RED001.local>

I know some peeps in NOLA that are looking for a Ruby on Rails dev. Email Jameson (jquave@gmail.com<mailto:jquave@gmail.com>) for more information. I know them, and they'll be looking for somebody that knows their stuff.

Puryear IT, LLC - We see IT differently.
Baton Rouge, LA - 225-706-8414

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Received on 06/30/11

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