From: Eddie Benson <>
Date: Sat, 23 Nov 2002 04:41:34 -0600 (CST)
Message-ID: <>

On 22 Nov 2002, Ron Johnson wrote:

> On Fri, 2002-11-22 at 10:00, Brett D. Estrade wrote:
> > It pains me to hold a mostly different personal opinion than that of a man who would quote the
> > great Merle Haggard...oh, well to each his own.
> Do you mean my "opinion" regarding *BSD, or Berkley, or both?
> I really have no animosity towards *BSD, and even though I run Debian,
> have no philosophical animosity towards the BSD license. It's just
> bad luck that UCB was involved in that lawsuit with ATT right around
> the time that Linux was born. That, and the appeal of the
> semi-democratic appeal of the Linux development model.
> If *BSD were to replace Windows or a proprietary Unix in a given
> organization, I'd be just as happy as if it were Linux.

laf...ok, can't we all get along? The fact that Linux IMHO has an actual
chance of gaining some serious ground in 2003, is a marvelous thing.
Where is this going to leave everyone? open is it TRULY
going to stay. The corporate intitiys that are taking Linux there,
RedHat, and probaby the only project that has the ability to compete with
them on a corporate level, UnitedLinux, will surely become no better than
MS in their drive for profits so where does that leave me. <GRIN> Right
where I started with "UNIX LIKE" OS's...BSD of any sort. Don't get me
wrong, I'm pulling for Linux over MS, but I can still remember choosing
FreeBSD over Linux in 95 because Linux at that time didn't even bother to
shadow passwords, and besides, anything you can run on Linux, I can run on

> As for women in Berkley, I try not to think about them.

I think of women from everywhere, continuously....
Eddie Benson

assumptions are narcotic!

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Received on 11/23/02

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