Re: [Nolug] New feature of Cox High Speed Internet

From: Chris Jones <>
Date: Wed, 7 Sep 2011 15:13:40 -0500
Message-ID: <>

It's a shame the cable companies can't do what DirecTV (I think it was them)
does with having every single NFL game on their network. I hear they're
even immune to blackouts. If we had something like that, we wouldn't even
need ESPN. And that is a service that many people would happily pay an
extra $10 a month for. The satellite companies really do have a good
service when it comes to television, cable providers get the advantage when
you need internet. It sucks for us consumers that somebody like Cox can't
do the same. My girlfriend had Dish for a while, and NOBODY can compare to
their HD offerings. Of course we all know that satellite internet is both
super expensive (somewhere around $200/mo is what I've heard), and useless
at best. I'm sure Cox would love to compete with them, but they probably
have a lot of exclusive deals with content providers. Gotta love how things

On Wed, Sep 7, 2011 at 2:52 PM, Jeremy <> wrote:

> On 9/7/2011 2:38 PM, Chris Jones wrote:
>> TV services are probably the biggest area where cable providers are
>> ripping us off, but it's hard to say where most of that is coming from,
>> the cable companies themselves, or the satellite providers that they get
>> their feeds from. I've heard that ESPN can be especially bad for them
>> to deal with. It's insane that we have to pay for all of these channels
>> when you can only watch one at a time, maybe 4-5 at a time in a house
>> with a lot of TV's. Somebody, somewhere, is getting very rich. :)
> Content providers are the problem... Cable companies are passing the
> costs on to you.
> And yes, ESPN is the worst. If it was offered a la Carte, ESPN knows no
> one would buy it, or more accurately, no one would likely be able to afford
> it... So what they've done is force cables companies into having everyone
> pay for it, otherwise the cable company cannot carry it. The reality is
> that content providers have a lot of sway over what you get and what you pay
> for when it comes to cable TV.
> J
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