I think it's best to consider the Kindle a specialized device. And I hope
Amazon seeks to continue it's "do one thing well" approach and not try
to make it a kitchen sink tablet.
On Mon, Oct 03, 2011 at 01:27:44PM -0500, David Bruce wrote:
> Hi,
>>>> Any opinions on a Nook Color vs Kindle Fire? ??(The latter is not out yet
>>>> obviously but curious what others think).
> I received a Nook Color as a gift from my wife a couple of months ago,
> and I really like it, although I've never looked at an e-ink device to
> compare. The standard software generally works as intended. One nice
> feature is the micro-SDHC slot, making it feasible to store several
> gigs of music on the device so you can listen as you read, if you
> like. Also, you can boot a straight Android system from the SD card
> without rooting the device or voiding your warranty. I've tried that
> a bit, but so far I prefer keeping the regular software. As a
> general-purpose Android tablet, it is quite nice, but not as nice as
> our ipad2.
> It is simple and nearly seamless to shop for books through the B&N
> Nook online store, but you can also use the device to read free
> epub-format ebooks from e.g. Project Gutenberg if you like. You just
> have to copy the books onto the Nook or your SD card using another
> computer, at least if you want them to show up in the device's
> "library".
> Basically, I use it for reading, music, some simple games, and limited
> web browsing.
> --
> David Bruce
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