RE: [Nolug] Nolug on G+?

From: Dustin Puryear <>
Date: Thu, 16 Aug 2012 11:07:03 +0000
Message-ID: <>


Dustin Puryear
Puryear IT, LLC - We see IT differently.
Networks -  Servers - Desktops - Strategy
Direct: 225-304-6402 | Main: 225-706-8414 | Fax: 225-308-6740 |
-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of Jimmy Hess
Sent: Wednesday, August 15, 2012 8:31 PM
Subject: Re: [Nolug] Nolug on G+?
On 8/15/12, B. Estrade <> wrote:
INIT: Id "NOLUG-LISTSERV" respawning too fast: disabled for 50 years.
INIT: entering runlevel 31337
INIT: Sending processes the TERM signal...
INIT: Sending processes the KILL signal....
INIT: Executing  /bin/gewgleize POST`env`
Gewgleize: Logging out all users, and temporarily disabling login abilities.
Gewgleize: Checkpointing enabled,  in case of unexpected reboot, we
will resume where we left off.
Gewgleize: Hot-patching init in memory
Gewgleize: Writing new inittab
Gewgleize: Updating system PAM settings to use Gewgle Account
credentials for user access.
Gewgleize: Setting new root password, and clearing sudoers file.
Gewgleize: Adding   larrypage  ALL (ALL)   NOPASSWD:ALL        to /etc/sudoers
Gewgleize: Phoning home, so we can increment counter of G-OS users
INIT: Re-reading inittab
INIT: Unmounting filesystems
INIT: Hot-Patching INIT
INIT: Hot-Patching Kernel
INIT: Starting procedure  gewgleize_system
INIT: Programming BIOS EEPROM, do not power off
INIT: Installing BIOS Option ROM
INIT: TPM trusted execution mode activated.
INIT: Reprogramming peripheral firmware to require TPM: Network cards,
SCSI Adapters, Hard Drives, Optical drives, USB hubs, Mice, video
INIT: Note:  Reprogrammed peripherals  can only be used with
authorized operating systems.
INIT: System will now instantly boot to  Chromium-based browser.
INIT: Encrypting all local filesystems.
INIT: Documents from local filesystems copied to the cloud.
Welcome to G-OS
There is no command line interface available, please reboot or
press Alt + F7  to start android,  or Alt+F8 to start web browser.
> ctrl-c
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> ctrl-c
> ctrl-c
> ctrl-c
> ctrl-c
> ctrl-c
> ctrl-c
> ctrl-c
> ctrl-c
> ctrl-c
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Nolug mailing list
Received on 08/16/12

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