Re: [Nolug] Any mobile developers looking for a job?

From: Chris Jones <>
Date: Thu, 12 Dec 2013 12:24:34 -0600
Message-ID: <>

No I'm with NASA, NAVO is NAVY.
On Dec 12, 2013 10:06 AM, "Lee S. Whatley" <> wrote:

> You must not work in the NAVO building. We aren't even allowed to bring
> mobile devices inside. Good to know some of the other organizations out
> there aren't so scared of technology.
> On Thu, 12 Dec 2013, Chris Jones wrote:
> I work at Stennis Space Center (NASA) and we're looking for a mobile
>> developer. iPhone, Android, Windows Mobile, etc... They're looking for
>> about 2+ years of experience. The more you know, the better. For mobile
>> development we use Sencha, so knowledge of that is a plus. If anybody
>> thinks they might be interested, let me know. I've been working here for
>> half a year and it's a very good place to work, and we have a good
>> development team here. We primarily develop in classic ASP but we are in
>> the process of moving over to ASP.Net, using C# and the MVC framework.
>> This
>> is in Mississippi, just across the border from Slidell. Send me an email
>> and I can get you a full job description if you would like.

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Received on 12/12/13

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