I was at NRL when camera phones started getting popular, and while those
were banned regular cell phones weren't (though reception sucked inside of
the building).
On Thu, Dec 12, 2013 at 12:24 PM, Chris Jones <techmaster@gmail.com> wrote:
> No I'm with NASA, NAVO is NAVY.
> On Dec 12, 2013 10:06 AM, "Lee S. Whatley" <lee@whatley.org> wrote:
>> You must not work in the NAVO building. We aren't even allowed to bring
>> mobile devices inside. Good to know some of the other organizations out
>> there aren't so scared of technology.
>> On Thu, 12 Dec 2013, Chris Jones wrote:
>> I work at Stennis Space Center (NASA) and we're looking for a mobile
>>> developer. iPhone, Android, Windows Mobile, etc... They're looking for
>>> about 2+ years of experience. The more you know, the better. For mobile
>>> development we use Sencha, so knowledge of that is a plus. If anybody
>>> thinks they might be interested, let me know. I've been working here for
>>> half a year and it's a very good place to work, and we have a good
>>> development team here. We primarily develop in classic ASP but we are in
>>> the process of moving over to ASP.Net, using C# and the MVC framework.
>>> This
>>> is in Mississippi, just across the border from Slidell. Send me an email
>>> and I can get you a full job description if you would like.
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Received on 12/12/13
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