Re: [Nolug] the spammers seem to have gotten me

From: Ron Johnson <>
Date: 10 Feb 2003 08:06:20 -0600
Message-Id: <1044885979.9603.920.camel@haggis>

On Mon, 2003-02-10 at 01:25, -ray wrote:
> On 9 Feb 2003, Ron Johnson wrote:
> > But isn't that only relevant to lusers using MS Lookout?
> >
> > As John S. alluded to, it's a 3rd party who is spoofing you...
> Not at all... joe and bob are unix users, but correspond with Mary, who
> uses outlook. Mary gets infected, klez looks in her addressbook, finds
> joe and bob, and sends a copy of the worm forged from joe to bob. if
> rejected, then joe gets the bounce/reject message...and joe wonders why
> he got the reject cause he never sent the message in the first place.
> klez still accounts for about 80% of the attachments we's
> pretty sad.

Ah, ok.

| Ron Johnson, Jr.     Home:           |
| Jefferson, LA  USA ron.l.johnson |
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|   Rohan Nicholls , The Netherlands                         |
Nolug mailing list
Received on 02/10/03

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