Re: [Nolug] WIN98SE ICS Server, Linux Client Help

From: Ron Johnson <>
Date: 17 Feb 2003 23:49:00 -0600
Message-Id: <1045547340.3036.12.camel@haggis>

On Mon, 2003-02-17 at 18:32, Bryant Stewart wrote:
> after a long night of searching, test, and failure, i
> found one site that tells how to setup microsoft ics
> with static ips. The other problem is that i had to
> setup my linux box to connect to bellsouth's dns
> servers.
> So if anyone else is having this problem let me know
> so
> i can send you the links to some useful ics info. Now
> all
> lights are green and my linux box has access to the
> internet, too bad ics doesn't include builtin
> port-forwarding.

Tell us again why the firewall/NAT can't be linux-based?
Is it because you have a USB DSL modem?

If so, could you go with another DSL provider, or even

> Thnx for the help -- Bryant
> --- -ray <> wrote:
> >
> > If you manually set the gateway, you prolly set a
> > static ip address. I
> > think ICS likes DHCP... set your linux box to DHCP
> > and you should get
> > ip/gw/dns no problem.
> >
> > Or just look on the windows box, get the DNS
> > servers, and put them in
> > /etc/resolv.conf on the linux box.
> >
> > Try to ping something with ip instead of domain name
> > to verify it's a DNS
> > problem. ie if you can ping but
> > can't ping,
> > then it's dns.

| Ron Johnson, Jr.     Home:           |
| Jefferson, LA  USA ron.l.johnson |
|                                                            |
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|   Rohan Nicholls , The Netherlands                         |
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Received on 02/18/03

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