Re: [Nolug] ports

From: Scott Harney <>
Date: Tue, 25 Feb 2003 06:50:27 -0600
Message-ID: <87bs1034oc.fsf@zenarcade.local.lan>

Chris Bloch <> writes:

The port may be open, but it may or may not be passed through your
firewall. netstat -an | grep 22 will tell you if sshd is running
and LISTENing on the port. But it can't tell you how your firewall is
set up. as root, '/sbin/iptables -L' should list your firewall
ruleset. Post that here.

Also, you really shouldn't need to open the ports for VNC (6500 I believe).
Rather, you can tunnel VNC through SSH which is quite a bit safer from
a security standpoint.

> I am trying to set up ssh and vnc into my box, and have configured my
> di-604 router/switch to forward ports to my dhcp address inside my
> network. How do I go about adding these ports on my linux box? I
> would prefer tyhe generic answer, and I have tried to run the sshd
> program to see if it opens the port. Any help would be appreciated. I
> am running libranet 2.7
> Thanks,
> btw I have an extra 5 port switch for the installfest.
> Chris Bloch
> (504) 669-1417
> zaphodatsstardotcom
> aolim : blochsound
> ___________________
> Nolug mailing list

Scott Harney<>
"...and one script to rule them all."
Nolug mailing list
Received on 02/25/03

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